Tuesday, December 27, 2011


A new year has begun and the time has come to reflect upon the happenings of the world for the year. Just as we do each day of our lives, we go through periods of joy, experience pain at times, and try very hard to stay mounted with the many challenges life brings into our path.
These challenges nip at our heels to cause our spirit to run faster and farther, but it is the path that we choose that is what we are living and guided by. The more we try to hold with a firm grip, we realize at one point in our lives that holding on is different than simply guiding our vision.
The reason a tree doesnt snap with the slightest breeze is because it bends to the wishes of the wind. Water remains in its state because it choose the path of least resistance and has no boundaries from which to steer away. We may hold water, vaporize it, and cause other forms of energy to control it, but it will always return to its form eventually.

So, as we embrace the new life with simply a different number to call it, we reflect upon the lessons of nature, follow your path of least resistance, bend with the changes of time, and surround yourselves with others that you know will not let go. Simply let go of yourselves and you will never be lost. You always have room to bend in infinite ways because you are free.